Is Anxiety Hiding in Your Everyday Routines?
You may be doing, saying, listening, and performing your daily rituals without being aware of stress and anxiety slowly building up inside. Before we try all the different methods of trying to become calmer and more mindful or even getting rid of anxiety altogether just being aware of these little hiccups should be the first step.
Anxiety can hide inside the habits that make up our everyday lives and these behaviors are wired into our brains. Re-wiring is difficult for the brain to do because it doesn’t sense any rewards in the immediate future. Habits don’t disappear so easily just because we are told to meditate or do yoga.
Before trying techniques or tools to rewire our grey matter, we need to work on being more aware by observing our anxiety-promoting habits. The brain and all the systems including the immune system can be trained to understand what is harming us and what can potentially give us the rewards we are looking for – calm, peace, happiness, etc.
As a Life Coach, I often get asked what are the best tools to be more relaxed at work or at home. Many times, my clients want to get rid of their anxiety just so they can get a good night’s sleep. There is no quick fix to getting rid of worry or stress permanently and sometimes worry can be healthy for us. I explore with clients on what their daily rituals are, how it makes them feel, and ways in which they can be more aware of their triggers. Then we move to change.
According to research, the first step is to map out and identify the anxiety-promoting habits. Look at your daily tasks and behaviours and see if they serve you well. Awareness is the key to unlocking all these emotions and feelings.
Don’t be hard on yourself, rewiring your brain takes time and practice. Sometimes you may need some support and guidance. For the month of April, I’m offering 20% off for the first coaching session. Each session is one hour and is done virtually. You may just need one session or a couple more. If you’re not sure, we can do a short meet and greet session to see if this is for you. Please call the clinic to book your appointment.
Smile and remember to Breathe!
Dr. Rozina Budhwani
Chiropractor and Life Coach
April Special – Apex Cervical Orthosis 15% Off!
Many activities in daily living such as phone texting or computer work place the head in a detrimental forward head posture. The Apex Cervical Orthosis can help counter these negative forces.
Features of the Apex Cervical Orthosis:
– Assist in restoring proper cervical posture
– Decreases pressure on cervical soft tissue
– Works to gently reverse kyphotic attitude
– Adjustable to 3 heights
To purchase an Apex Cervical Orthosis, email us at or call 604-336-9213.
Offer end May 15th, 2021
Book an appointment
Please email us at or call us at 604-336-9213 to book an appointment.